When was the last time you lifted your head and looked up at the night sky? At night, the sky is full of little holes - stars - and the majestic Moon is in charge.
When we look up at the night sky, we can't stop marveling at the big, bright Moon that has been watching us for billions of years. What is it like up there? What secrets does it hold?
We have created 12, Moon Coloring Pages for you. Join us and explore craters, mountains and even the mysterious dark side of the moon! With felt-tip pens and pencils as our faithful companions, we'll bring the lunar wonders to life and make them our own.
I invite you to join us on this incredible journey together! Color your own moon! Don't spare any color!

To start, click on any Moon coloring page below to open it in a new window. From there, you can either print the page immediately or download it for later use. Feel free to download and print as many pages as you like.
Tips for Optimal Print QualityThese coloring pages are designed for US letter-sized paper but can easily be scaled to fit A4 paper. For the best print quality, make sure your printer settings are adjusted to high resolution. Your feedback is crucial for us, so please share your thoughts to help us improve the website using comment below.
Color, Relax, Repeat!
Coloring Activity:
- 12 days ago - A user from Los Angeles ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded A Bear Sits On The Moon coloring page
- 18 days ago - A user from Panama City Beach ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded Teddy's Sitting On The Moon coloring page
- 18 days ago - A user from Panama City Beach ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded A Bear Sits On The Moon coloring page
- 23 days ago - A user from Pawcatuck ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded A Bear Sits On The Moon coloring page
- 26 days ago - A user from Knoxville ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded The Unicorn Fell Asleep On The Moon coloring page
- 26 days ago - A user from Knoxville ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded A Bear Sits On The Moon coloring page
- 26 days ago - A user from Washington ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded The Unicorn Fell Asleep On The Moon coloring page
- 26 days ago - A user from Washington ๐บ๐ธ has downloaded A Bear Sits On The Moon coloring page
- Jul 20, 2024 - ๐จ Color4U Team added The Unicorn Fell Asleep On The Moon coloring page ๐
- Jul 20, 2024 - ๐จ Color4U Team added The Moon Sleeps In The Middle Of The Planets coloring page ๐
10 cool facts about the amazing moon!
1. The moon looks like a big rock!
The moon is a huge rock that orbits around our planet Earth. It is so big that it is even bigger than Texas!
2. There is no air on the moon!
Imagine a place where you can't breathe because there is no air! This is exactly the case on the Moon. But don't worry, astronauts wear special suits to breathe and survive.
3. The moon is covered with craters!
A long time ago, asteroids and comets crashed into the Moon, leaving behind big holes called craters. They look like giant holes on the surface of the Moon!
4. There is no wind on the Moon!
On Earth, we can feel the wind fluttering our hair, but not on the Moon. That's because there is no air there, and there is no wind blowing!
5. The Moon has phases...like a mood ring!
As our mood changes, the Moon changes shape in the sky. It changes from full to new and back again. It's like a big mood ring in the sky!
6. The moon is very old.... Like a grandmother!
The moon is about 4.5 billion years old, which means it is even older than your grandparents!
7. The moon is moving away from us!
But don't worry, it hasn't gone anywhere yet. It is slowly moving away from us at a rate of about 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) every year.
8. There are people who have walked on the Moon!
A long time ago, brave astronauts named Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon. They even planted an American flag!
9. The Moon has water... sort of!
There's ice at the poles of the Moon, which means there might be water hidden beneath its surface!
10. We can see the Moon from anywhere on Earth!
As long as we're outside on a clear night, we can see our amazing Moon shining brightly in the sky.
Wow, aren't these facts out of this world? Next time you gaze up at the night sky, remember these cool facts about our fabulous friend, the Moon!
Happy moon-gazing, young adventurers!
Interactive Moon Quiz
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